Monday, January 04, 2010

2009: the year in review

I am often inspired by my friend Suzanne, although she probably doesn't know it. I wish you could all know her, but I suppose that's what Heaven will be for: meeting each other's wonderful friends. With props to Suzanne, here's my own link to favorite posts from the past.

In January, I was rather contemplative about the amount of control we have in our own lives. I seem to get rather introspective during the winter. I suppose it has to do with having more down time. By the way, I have pretty much the same goals this year. How about you?

In February, I caved in and did the 25 things you may not know about me thing that went around blogs and Facebook. So . . . here are 25 things you may not know about me. Well, unless you read them the first time . . . and then you should know them. :-)

March means Spring Break! Here's what I did on mine last year.

April is spring and things coming back to life which makes me want to get up and dance! Seems like these people wanted a little celebration too.

May of 2009 was exceptionally busy this year. You can read about it here and see a few pictures here. I just noticed that April and May both have Sound of Music influences. Hmmm . . . .

In May, I also wondered about coloring my hair. THAT was fun!

June was Daniel's birthday, but it's on the 14th, not the 13th. I also attended the Christian Scholars' Conference, an event which had a profound impact on me. I had a hard time putting it into words, but I tried.

In July, I was still pondering thoughts from CSC. Seeking truth is very important to me. I want to be able to say that truth-seeking is the focus of my life. However, sometimes reality hits and it's hard to be all ivory tower philosophical, even for a thinks-too-much person like me.


August changed our lives. Every day has new challenges. In time, we started to find some good news and fight for a new cause.

September was mostly a series of reposts from Scot McKnight's blog. I took advantage of the theological discussion to include some of my favorite words from Bono.

In October, I took my boys to a pumpkin patch and was able to get some beautiful pictures of sunflowers. I love sunflowers for many reasons. They add some light to the time of year when things begin to darken. They were a favorite of my grandmother too. I love my Grandmother and still miss her.

In November, I paid tribute to my dad in the midst of trying to post every single day. That was challenging since I didn't have functional internet connection at home. I also took time to remember my Grandmother's favorite Thanksgiving hymn.

December already? I mostly posted Christmas songs and I hope you enjoyed them, but my favorite post is the one just before this one. I love the prayers and the idea of new beginnings.

So that was 2009. Wow. No wonder I'm tired.


Sugar-n-Spice said...

i haven't been reading, so i enjoyed catching up, and looking at some of your posts this year. have a thousand things running through my head now... wondering about caleb, how ya'll are doing, and now missing you even more! thanks for commenting yesterday, i had really forgotten how fun it is to get comments! ;)

lisa b said...

Hey Sweet Friend!

Caleb is doing OK. It's still challenging to keep up with everything, but we've gotten into a bit of a routine. Next Monday we are going to the endocrinology clinic to start the transition to an insulin pump. He is looking forward to it very, very much. We were surprised -- thankfully surprised -- to find out in November that our insurance company would pay for the whole thing since he had reached maximum coverage benefits. We also learned that his whole hospital stay was covered by a combination of insurance and a state program for children's health.

It was a hard year, but God was still very good in the midst of it all.