Sunday, September 18, 2011

Life, Interrupted

A month and a day ago, our lives came to a crashing halt.


My daughter Emily was in a serious car accident. We spent 10 days in Children's Hospital, during which she had 3 surgeries. We spent 10 days at home, then went to UAMS for a five-hour procedure on her foot. We stayed there a week and came home. We've been home for one week.

No, she wasn't driving. No, the driver wasn't texting. No, no one was under the influence of anything.

It was just one of those things that happens sometimes, and Emily bore the brunt of the collision.

If this is new information for you, you can read more details at Emily's Caring Bridge site.

This has been terrible, but God's people have gotten us through it. From the beginning, we've been aware of the presence of the prayers and the love of others. Within a couple of hours of the wreck, prayers were being said around the world.

God's people do amazing things.

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