Friday, May 16, 2008

I Have Issues

1. I have issues with the word "issues." I don't like it. Don't know why, just don't.

2. I've recently had -- and continue to have -- issues with one of my email accounts. The one I use for this blog. So that's a problem.

3. I have internet connectivity issues at home. I don't know why but it's been s-l-o-w lately which means limited ability to blog or post pictures. So to most of you it probably seems that I went to Italy and just stayed there, which is not true.

4. I have serious time issues these days. I returned from Italy on April 18th and my life quickly began spinning in circles. It has been four weeks and I suppose it has settled some. Yeah, it has settled some. I did finish my spring-and-next-to-last semester of grad school, so that's good. Other things are still spinning, but it's getting better. I think. Maybe.

5. I have insurance issues. Learned yesterday that our secondary insurance provider will not be in effect anymore, meaning that all of that out-of-pocket stuff will now come out of our nonexistent pockets.


Today is a marvelous day. My sweet baby Becca turns 19 and tonight we will journey to Narnia together to meet Prince Caspian. A college student-turned-honorary-Burley Girlie will be joining our family for Becca's birthday bash. Our new furniture for the library arrived this week, meaning I acquired five new solid wood chairs for my home. Tomorrow I will be working in the yard with my dad.

All in all, it's been a marvelous year. School is almost out for my children. Everyone got through the year with A's and B's. Em's teeth are getting straighter and she likes her new haircut. Noelle's softball team was invited to the state tournament for the first time. Caleb and Daniel got their orange belts. Becca completed her first year of college with a better GPA than I did.

If anyone ever manages to successfully describe the beauty and craziness of life, they will become wealthy individuals. I think Paul was right when he used the labor and delivery process as an allegory to our life.

It is SO hard -- in waves, with moments of rest in between.
It is emotionally overwhelming -- if you try to stay in control.
It is tempting to withdraw into yourself -- but female support makes it easier.
And you think you can't do it one more minute -- but you can.

And then at the end, there's this BEAUTIFUL reward and you get to see a person that you've already loved forever but you've never actually seen before. And one glimpse of that beautiful face makes all the pain worthwhile.

May you have a glimpse of God today that makes the pain worthwhile.


Teresa C said...

Tell Becca happy birthday for me! I'm so glad to see you back here. I was beginning to wonder if you ran away to Europe for good :)

When you get a spare minute(Ha!) fill us in on that wonderful trip.

Mom of these kids said...

Yep.... I have been clicking over here every day looking for pics, and then wondering if you DID come back!

Sounds like things are wonderful and busy with the Burley's! I love the term Burley girlie! I think I may steal that last paragraph to put on my said it so well!

Glad to hear from you! And...I have issues too...different ones everyday!