Friday, December 28, 2007

Humor me for a moment, but I must say . . .



AbbieCRAZY said...

OMStars!!!! I can't wait! I have to spend some money and buy last season this week. Oh Lisa, I'm so glad I saw that.....

LOVE Hurley - he'll be free.

Sheila said...

Must be some inside story here that I'm unaware of? Why this on your blog??

Lisa said...

Because LOST is the only tv show I watch and it tends to be on for three months and then off for five or six. The characters are complex and interesting, the plot is intelligent, and -- believe it or not -- it actually addresses faith/fate/free will issues and doesn't just entertain, although it does entertain.

The last season ended in early June and we've been waiting since then for season 4. And it starts in January so we only have one more month to wait. Here's an everything-you-need-to-know-about LOST video made by ABC in case you want to catch up. :-)

Lawrence Underwood said...

Lost is a show that tries really hard to get to the dramatic and tension level of 24 and doesn't quite make it :)

Gioietta said...

Jon and I are big LOST fans too, except NOT in the common way...we don't have cable so we are always LATE in watching the last season ...(meaning we just finished watching LOST 3)...and we know we are going to have to hang in for another year or more...but then we get to whip it up in one week (or less!!! usually during Christmas break...when we have time to be bums!)

I can't wait...but will have to!

Lara said...

Does everyone know that the last couple of seasons are all free online? That's how I watch it.

I love this season. It rocks. Flash forwards instead of flashbacks are wicked confusing and make you wonder even MORE what in the world is going on. It's my favorite.