Thursday, November 16, 2006

God IS good!

This time last week, I was feeling very overwhelmed. I had four big projects due within the week plus all the usual work tasks. So many things have happend in the last few days to lighten that load that it's nothing short of miraculous. First, my teachers changed due dates on two of the four assignments. Instead of having two projects due last Tuesday, one this Saturday and one next Tuesday, I had one last Tuesday, one this Friday, NONE for Saturday, one for next Tuesday and one for the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. A WHOLE week to work on it! Yippee!!

Even with all the adjustments, this has proven to be a busy week. I set aside this morning to catch up on my thankfulness . . .

Sunday -- I'm thankful for my daughter Noelle and her friend Libby who are real troopers. At the last minute they agreed to do a demo of the right way and the wrong way to lead singing for a bunch of elementary school aged girls. They were great!

Monday -- Monday needs a title. So many things! How about "The Day of Incredible Gratitude"? I am incredibly thankful for my teacher who emailed and gave us an extension on a research project due Tuesday. I am incredibly thankful for my friend and fellow student who pointed me the right direction on a database analysis project. I am incredibly thankful to live in Searcy, AR and have the amazing doctors we do. I'm also incredibly thankful that I am paid on salary and don't miss any $$ when I miss a day of work to take my child to the doctor. Also thankful for Isaac Stern whose amazing violin abilities kept me company while I did my homework.

Tuesday -- Thankful that tonight's class was truly interesting. As much as I love my job and the whole library world, talking about the behind-the-scenes stuff is not my cup of tea. Tonight we talked about working with patrons and being sure we are actually answering the question they ask. Library, mind-reading, and service all in one. :-)

Wednesday -- Party at the library! We had the birthday party for all of our November birthdays. I love these people! It's so wonderful to work with people with whom you can laugh. I was on the November committee so I got to help plan, decorate, and clean up. It was a lot of fun!

Thursday -- Today I'm thankful for the fact that after tomorrow I will have a little over a week of not having to work. If I do come in, I can wear jeans and tennis shoes! Woo-hoo!

Happy Thursday everyone!

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