Friday, April 21, 2006

Which Narnia Characer Would You Be?

Recently, my daughter Rebecca and I were discussing which Narnia character we would like to be if we were able to be in any of the upcoming movies. After wrapping up on our roles (Lucy and Lady Polly, respectively), we went on to cast other family members. Daniel as Reepicheep, Noelle as -- I don't know -- someone very daring and adventurous. :-) But who could Keith Burley be?

We had one of those moments of epiphany when we had the same thought at the same time. "PUDDLEGLUM!" We laughed and set the thought aside until later when we realized just how many things Keith has in common with dear old Puddleglum.

1. He grew up in the swamps.
2. He relishes his ability to complain.
3. No one else's food is ever quite the way he would cook it.
4. He has webbed toes.
5. He wears strange clothes.
6. He smells funny sometimes.
7. He's "too old" or "not suited" for many things. (his words!)

Of course this was all in good fun, but we did get a good laugh from it.

Really, the most important ways that Keith is like Puddleglum are that he's extremely loyal and surprises people with bits of wisdom and courage when they least expect it. I suppose all of us dreamers need someone more grounded in our lives.

So . . . which Narnia character would you be. :-)


Lawrence Underwood said...

Hopefully Mr. Beaver; always taking people to see the King inspite of personal risk.

Lawrence Underwood said...

Hopefully Mr. Beaver; always taking people to see the King inspite of personal risk.

Lawrence Underwood said...

Hopefully Mr. Beaver; always taking people to see the King inspite of personal risk.

Lawrence Underwood said...
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Lawrence Underwood said...

Well, I really do hope that is the case, but I didn't mean to be so adamant about it.

I'm not sure what happened there.