Funny story -- one night when I was almost finished with the book, I decided to take a bath and read in the tub so I could finish it up. I got in there and about five minutes later, the electricity went out. If you've never been in a bathroom, soaking in the tub when the lights go out, I don't really recommend it if you have issues with the dark or with claustrophobia. Early in my life, I definitely had issues with the dark, but it's one of the things that God has helped me overcome so it wasn't that bad. I did have to choose to be calm, though. It would've been easy to get panicky and I would've been completely terrified by it in my early 20's. Bet you didn't know that about me, did you?
So the rest of my fiction list is still sitting there. I will probably skip everything but True Grit and postpone them until Spring Break. I started my intense re-read of Women, Food, and God this morning and will follow it with Thin Within. I'm going to use the blog for accountability on food issues. I will most likely NOT keep importing it to Facebook so if you want to read my ramblings and musings, you'll need to go to http://burleyblog.blogspot.com. You can follow the blow or subscribe through a reader, but I just really don't want to delve into my lifelong food and body image issues in such a public venue like Facebook so after this post, I'm going to discontinue the import.
Now . . . I need to take a shower and get dressed so I can pick my kiddoes up from school. I haven't been a total sloth. No one can be called a sloth who gets four loads of laundry done and vacuums two rooms and a hall, right? However, I have yet to identify the funky smell around my computer. Hopefully, it isn't me. Taking a shower should solve that mystery.
Happy 2011, everyone!
lol! have a wonderful 2011 :)
I have a huge list of goals this year and one of them is to read 100 books. I thought it might be hard to find things to read but it looks like you have had no trouble finding a great list. I cant wait to sneak a few ideas. Thanks.
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