My friend
Maury was brave enough to post about what's on her desk. I thought it would be fun to do it too. I don't have much control about what winds up on the desk at the house, but at work -- it's all my fault. We'll be moving from left to right, viewing things from my seat.

This is lotion, agua, caffeine, medication, and paperwork central. Behind the paper stacker is a rocking chair and a large Van Gogh sunflower print. They're not technically on my desk, but since you can get a glimpse of them, I thought I'd let you know what they are. The mug was empty but had held a wonderful cup of chai tea earlier in the day. The glass of water is an ever-present thing. I always have at least one small thing of lotion there and the Midol was just indicative of a current need. (cough, cough)
A true panormic view would include a picture of my computer now, but since everyone knows what those look like, I skipped it. On to the next side!

Peeking out between the right-hand speaker and my telephone is a thought-a-day calendar that used to belong to my Grandmother. I can still see it sitting in her kitchen and having it in my office gives me a lot of comfort. There aren't words to describe how wonderful she was, but these words help me to remember. Although she never worked away from home, her strength has helped equip me to manage the balancing I have to do each day.

In case you're wondering, I have an L-shaped desk. This area is to my right when I am seated. That's my fancy new phone. I haven't really figured it out yet, but it's much nicer than the Brady Bunch-era phone that preceeded it. I like pictures, so I have lots of them. The one in the wooden frame is a picture of Christian College Librarians -- a group that gets together every year. Last year we met at Pepperdine in Malibu, California. This year, we got to host and it was SO good to see all of these faces in person. The silver frame is one of my favorite-ever family pictures, taken by
Maury. It was a going-away gift from our church family in Monticello.
Behind the phone is a hodge-podge of images I want to keep in front of me -- a postcard of the Mona Lisa, thank-you notes from a few people, and a postcard of Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man that my sister picked up for me on her most recent trip to Italy.
Oh yeah -- on the desk itself. Paperwork. Mostly it's social club stuff. Go Yea Rah Regina HEY! :-)

Moving just slightly to the right -- more pictures! I have a collage frame of images that I took while I was in Italy with Sheila last year. Above that is a Valentine's Day card that Daniel made for me last year. Isn't it sweet? Here's the whole story: I was sitting in a room full of people at church, waiting on Daniel to come up from his class. He walked in, threw the paper at me and said (very loudly), "Here Mom! I put 40 hearts on it 'cuz you're 40 years old," and then he ran off to play.
His future wife has a real romantic on her hands.

The final sweeep to the right has a printed calendar, my Regina name tag, and a plethora of phone books and files. I squealed like a little girl when I got that name tag! It's been 20 years since I got my first one and it has been a real honor to be a part of Regina again. We always say, "Once a queen, always a queen," but getting to be around it again has been just wonderful!
So there's a glimpse of my life at work. My friends and family are still very much with me every day! Thanks for making it more fun, even though you probably didn't know that you were.
How do you ever get any work done there? :-D
P.S. I am the classic example of the pot calling the kettle black.
That was fun! And I was tickled to see the wall art I sent you on your wall. :-) I also loved the part about your grandmother. I also have one of those dear, departed grandmothers from whom I get lots of strength. Precious memories.
I love your Valentine's day card!!
Aww....that was sweet what you said about your family photo...I loved getting to do those for you.
I am so glad you did a post about your desk...sorry it took me a while to comment... I clicked over here a few times, and then I missed it when it showed up on my google reader.
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