Sunday, October 05, 2008

Introducing . . .

Last week I spoke at the Harding University Fall Lectures series about gnosticism and contemporary culture. The research was fun and I've never minded getting up in front of a group to talk. The hard part? Figuring out what they should say when they introduced me.

Yep. I never know what to say about myself. I can talk about lots of things, but not so much about me.

This is what I finally emailed to the young lady who was chosen to do my intro.

I never know what to say for these things.

Here are a few random facts about me:

1. I have been married to my husband Keith for 21 years and we have five children.

2. We have three daughters and two sons. They range in age from 19 to 9.

3. In my former life as a full time mom I enjoyed scrapbooking and sewing but now I spend a lot more time taking pictures and less time doing anything with them.

4. I love to read and think that quality fiction can often teach us more about ourselves than non-fiction. Jesus' use of parables seems is just one example of this.

5. I am a librarian and have been working at Harding University for 3 years. Before that I worked at the University of Arkansas in Monticello and at the public library in Monticello.

6. I grew up in the Searcy/Harding community but am the only member of my family without a degree from Harding.

7. People fascinate me. The human condition fascinates me.

8. I am absolutely amazed by God's love every day.

I seriously doubt that's what they wanted, but it's what they got.

So . . . if you had to sum yourself up in a few short sentences for a room full of people, what would you say? It's not that easy, is it?

PS: The young lady who did the intro said, "These are GREAT! I can tell you have an AMAZING life!!!" Thanks to all of you for being a part of my amazing life. :-)


Stephanie said...

I really enjoyed your introduction, and at the time I thought, "That sounds just like Lisa." Don't you think that the "amazing" part of life, especially as perceived by others, comes not so much from the facts (married, X # of children, job, etc.) but about your attitude towards your life and how you live with the "facts"? You seem to have joy in abundance, and this attitude showed through in how you presented the facts of your life.

Anonymous said...

It does sound like you :)
It's kinda hard to describe yourself, really!
You did a great job :)